Friday, March 25, 2011

Can’t stop shooting angry birds...

I am not a gamer, not the types who’d sit on any device and play for hours. TV, movies - sure, games and scores - not so much. Also, I am not into violent entertainment of any sort. Movies, plays, books, TV...the less gory the better.

And in spite of this, all of this so called preferences, I can’t stop playing angry birds. Level by level I loose control and willpower as I hurl those birds into walls, glass, wood, pyramids, fruits. Imagine:

One you are throwing/hurling birds
Two they are cute small ones in there
You are destroying everything you see using birds
They are ‘angry’ for some reason and blow up
They explode all the time

Nothing in that list spells my normal liking and yet for some reason (unknown to me) I can’t stop. I have to play, pass levels and hurl birds. And it is nothing to be proud of that I even have a favorite type of bird for it's ability to blow things. At least there’s no blood-shed. That is my convincing inner voice.

Poof! Another one bites the dust.

1 comment:

analyst_desk said...

Happy B'day to shveta on 23rd april-Rajeev