Sunday, January 16, 2011

The new day, the new dawn, the new world.


Every neighborhood has peace
Every home has fuel and fire to cook food

No child cries of hunger
Every man, woman and child sleeps content

There's no storm of hatred
The seasonal harvest is a crop of love

No killings and no blood-shed
No deafening noises of chaos or bombs

No one suffers in bitter cold and sweltering heat
No one is homeless

Warmth in homes and hearts
Serenity in minds and actions

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New year rings in...2011

A brand new, freshly scrubbed decade. A new slate. A blank sheet

How lovely if we could start afresh every 365 days

How wonderful if we carried away the learning and left the sorrow behind

How amazing if we evolved such that we leave the malignant prejudice, judgment and bias right at the doorstep of every new year

Won't that be a truly good start. An ideal place to start every time

So much to look forward to, so much potential

Like old snake skins, we slough our negativities and embrace a better tomorrow.