Friday, April 20, 2012

Don't be fooled by the beauty of things
like this cloud
so picturesque
and so destructive

But, let's learn
that even in worse conditions
try to look good
or at least look good in spite the failing condition

The show nature puts up
even on destruction path
is worth respect

The full force of lights
clap of thunder
and unseen stage-settings of clouds

takes your breadth away
in picture
and sometimes
in life, literally.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Go with the flow...

पानी के बहाव की तरह
ज़िन्दगी बहती जाती है

ना रूकती है , ना पलटती है
और ना ही रुक के सोचती है
की क्या साथ बह रहा है

कभी कुछ पल , कुछ लोग
छूट भी जाते है
कुछ गहराइयों में खो भी जाते है
किसी किनारे पे अलग हो जाते है

घोर अँधेरे में
सुबह की धूप में
समय की ताल पे

पत्थर आये तो रुख मोड़ लेती है
बारिश के बहाव में रफ़्तार तेज हो जाती है
सूखे में चुपके से आहिस्ता हो जाती है

कुछ पीछे नहीं रहता
लेकिन फिर भी कुछ एक जैसे नहीं रहता

पानी के बहाव की तरह ...ज़िन्दगी

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Have I driven myself into non-creative land?

Knowing things
Trying to figure out everything by associating it with something I already know
Trying too hard to figure out who I am
What am I capable of
What are others doing
Deciding what I like based on what I have already seen

Leaves little room
for surprise

I need to open some windows
air it out
let rain drops cleanse

Relaxed mind is the sprouting ground of originality
Detox the mind
Throw out schedules
Let stress flow out of my veins

and then see everything without making sense of it