Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Be present

When you think about something, after an event about what you thought before it happened, it never seems like a good idea to have waited.

I thought today of how many times I thought of taking out time to known someone better before the opportunity went past me.

Which led me to think of so many times I thought of sleeping early, helping somehow, spend time doing something I love, eating right, listening more and how I keep pushing it to another day...assuming the day will come for everything.

Today is the day for it all, now is time for everything to happen. There really is no time like now. When people leave, time passes, opportunity slides away...all you are left with is a bundle of ‘what if’ which is no good unless you had nothing to do.

Be present - I told myself today. If there’s a friendship waiting for your time to blossom, a book waiting for your time to be read, someone you love waiting for your time to be heard....give the time today. Don’t spend all of ‘now’ to plan for future. Spend some on ‘present’.

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