Monday, February 1, 2010

My hero...

I found a site where you could create your own super heroes. And naturally, I thought…awesome!

Who doesn’t like super-heroes or heroines? Our stories, our mythology reveres the concoction of pure intentions and super powers. It idolizes the purist at heart, out to be fair and good to humanity armed with highest of powers and loads of support. It starts with the comics that reinforce the idea of ‘humane and fair super-hero’ to the kids and remains alive in us through movies and perpetual quizzes on ‘what super-power would you wish, if you could wish for one?’

Au contraire, I tend to believe that my super-hero would first of all be a super-chick and she’d be flawed. She’d not be the “pretty” wonder-girl. Far from it. She’d make mistakes, will be adept in politics and would look rather odd. However, she’d be empathetic, kind and quiet. She’d draw a fine balance between nerdiness and slickness.

Empathy, you see, is a lost quality. Rarely found and hardly ever exercised. We live in times where empathy can easily be categorized as a ‘power’ to wish for. Once an innate human quality, it is now something that should be put as coveted trait in comics.

I borrowed a page from Avatar. I was so taken by Na’avi clan that I put some features of theirs in my version of super-chick. She’s blue, owns a tail that can whip and brandishes a bow. She misses her target sometimes but gets the job done. She tries! For my flawed (but endearing) spin, she has non-so-angelic ears. And of course, she’s not called super-anything…she’s called BUG!

Here’s my super-hero…empathetic and grounded (Bug...duh!). Not perfect and not pretty but brimming with personality and charm.

And what’s her choice of vehicle you ask? Of course she rides dragons!

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