Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The problem with life is there’s no background music.

Ahh…only if!

Imagine the melancholy mood of first heart break enhanced by a deeply sad violin in background. The pain deeper and tears saltier with every note.

Imagine the bursting guitar tone as you win something and throw a fist-pump in triumph. The swing music bursts into life as you succeed.

Imagine the piano and its soft keys as you feel loneliness creep into you.

Imagine a gentle flute piece as you watch a sun rise, accord with sunset.

Imagine a calm santoor as you watch rain drops.

Imagine dramatic drum roll when you are nervous, a melodramatic symphony when you are angry.

Imagine sitar as you are pumped up to do something.

Background music would make mundane moments so much brighter and amplify stand out moments to another level. It would make conversation more interesting, pain more bearable, joy more savory.

Drama would have another layer.

Heartaches, illness, Eureka moments, first steps of kids, graduation, success, death, life, prayers, silence – all emotions, all spheres such strong contenders for background music.

You know what would be the killer? If we could control the background music. If we could will it to turn on or shut off. What drama!

The problem is that humans are not as smart as they think are. So, too much control and too much drama might just be a recipe for disaster.

The question is - would there be silence? And silence, as we know, is golden! It is what balances sounds. Not only will perpetual background music take away a lot from our 'normal' music, it would alter our senses because what would life be without silence? Without that soothing and haunting moment of 'no sound'...

Sound has a meaning because silence exists. As much as it would be fun to hear some whistle in background as I drive leisurely, I don't think I'd trade it for silence.

Okay then, let's just use iPods...

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