Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nothing goes away, just coz’ we turn our heads and close our eyes…

This polar bear replica at Copenhagen, melting away - is a reality. There won’t be enough ice and enough in ecosystem to support life in Arctic. The simple reason is heat. And earth didn’t turn on its heating chamber. We did. This balance is so delicate and so fragile. And instead of doing everything and anything to understand it, save it or at least leave it as is, we are looking for corroborative proof points. And until something drastic happens it is business as usual.

The thing is for those who are already drowning due to higher sea levels, dying die to stronger hurricanes, horrendous famines and for the species who are running out of land to live on and food to live off of – the drastic is here.

Like nothing we have seen before, icebergs are now floating towards land after they break from polar ice. As much as this is a tourist phenomenon, it is a sad-sad visual. The polar ice cap will fully melt every season in a few years. Heat melts ice, rising ocean inundate land, all of it changes ecosystem – it is not rocket science.

I think that none of this is in our control. The world, the balance of nature - We didn’t create it and we don’t run it so we cannot possibly destroy it. But, nature certainly can wipe us out any time it turn against us. So, how about backing off and respecting it a little.

I know that skeptics are a necessary part of world and people fall on both sides of any discussion. But, this is kinda critical. And it is sorta evident.

Just because some stupid people (okay, a lot of stupid people) turn blind towards how humans have treated their planet, doesn’t mean things are not what they are. Political games might be a heavy price we pay before the time runs out.

How (or why) are we so short sighted?

How are we so insanely stupid that we see it right in front of us and still turn away?

Or perhaps we are just plain selfish and ignorant species.

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