Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Let it be about schema not rigidity

Ever imagine, where did the shapes come from? Some shapes are obviously the result of what we saw around us...sun and moon. Circle-like. Sea-level was perhaps a straight line like.

Now, we know more...Pine cones were funnel-like. Beehives are hexagonal. Snowflakes are star shaped. Crystals are cubical.

But, square, rectangle and triangle are hard to find. As much as we can describe, use and calculate them today; it is amazing to think that someone came up with these shapes. Not only that, their use, characters, measure, definitions and sub-segments (isosceles, equilateral).

Imagine how it must have been for people to have no concept of shapes. They could describe things they saw by having to give examples of similar shaped objects. I think your face looks like 'that bright thing up there at dark' would have been a very normal conversation. Absence of color, shape and name of moon or time of the day.

And then we made it all up. Ha!

We gave names to things, we assigned shapes to describe better. Thing started to have no 'sides', 3 sides, four and five and six...

And we managed to organize it into something that can be taught and passed on. Pretty amazing.

Now only if we can understand that shapes were to understand things better, not to keep minds from thinking outside the 'squares' (defined/labeled relationships) and 'circles' (life and death) and 'lines' (time).

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