Friday, July 31, 2009

The Swiss Alps

There’s a reason why we use Switzerland in analogy when we need to describe the ‘beauty’ of a place. Every bit of that reason is in its full bloom in summer time. The air, the rain, the flowers, the outdoors, the people – it is magical. If heaven is even remotely like that, I could change my mind to work towards a place in it.

It is said Switzerland is neutral. They don’t take sides. Damn right they don’t! Coz’ they are too busy enjoying life, doing things, having fun. To sit around and judge is a waste of time. Time that can be spent in air, water, on bikes, in trains, hiking, drinking and watching God’s green earth in its splendor.

I have to say that cadence of life changes to an unusual rhythm under Swiss Alps. I was in Interlaken for three days. And it was relaxing and yet never ever slow. People are fun, there are fun things to do and just so much to see.

Jungfrau railway station, the highest in Europe is 11,332 ft above sea level. Along with Eiger and Monch, Jungfrau makes for a stunning view of Alps. As luck has it, when I was up there, it was -4 degrees with zero visibility. But, I saw pictures and it is exquisite. Jungfrau peak is 13,642 ft (Mt. Everest is 29,029 ft), looks over Bernese Alps and is home to the largest glacier in Alps and all of Europe. On a clear day, it is something to experience – standing cozily in a tower looking over from top of Alps. There’s a cool ice-palace on top as well. It is quite an experience to see the waterfalls, rain, clouds and greenery and then ascend into snow peaked mountains through the clouds, passing through beautiful small towns. A train-conductor spoke as we got out in snow to change trains, “Welcome to Swiss Summer! If you were wondering, winters are colder.”

The best part of Interlaken is the plethora of outdoor activities. Most are not for the faint of heart but nearly all take you to the edge of adrenalin rush. Bungee jumping into lake from gondola, sky-diving over Alps, canyoning in waterfalls, canyon jumping in Eiger canyon, hang-gliding, hiking in snow – it’s all there. I tried tandem hand gliding which was fun for two reasons. One, I really felt like a bird, it was smooth and quiet and glider just hovers like an eagle. Two, it gives a great view of lakes, the peaks, the beautiful lush green city. Landing while almost flat on your belly is so much fun!

I also tried to scare myself out of my mind by canyon jumping. Now, bungee jumping is a nose dive fall and vertical bounce. Canyon jumping takes that to another level. With harness tied to your waist (not feet) and 360 ft free fall you jump into a canyon. The rope catches you and swings you across canyon, over gushing river at 120kmph. At one moment if felt like an out of body experience to look up and see huge canyon walls around and then the blue sky. The total sense of freedom washes over you. Jumping, jumping willingly into the canyon is hard. I needed a countdown but, it was so worth it. I’d do it again and again without thinking twice. The rush of adrenalin as you jump ‘1-2-3 and in air’ and free fall and then swing on the river – that feeling is nothing like I ever felt before. So, now I know a sure way to let go of fears - face fear head on and jump!

Interlaken has many hostels for backpackers and other tourists. To really explore the beauty, you have to do some outdoor stuff, even if it is a bike ride or a walk to top of waterfall. This place is too beautiful to sit inside. Oh and the chocolates! I don’t like chocolates but I like a lot of things with chocolate flavor. Have desserts when in Switzerland. Taste them, feel them dissolve in your mouth and melt your heart. Pictures don’t do justice to this place. It is the air that you have to feel on you face to feel it. And then you’ll never forget that feeling, feeling of almost being in heaven!

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