Sunday, June 28, 2009

The King of Pop...falls

June 25th, 2009
The first time I saw Grammys, BAD was nominated in 5 categories and he lost in all of them. But, what I found that year was a deep admiration and love for his artistry. The ‘king of pop’ was THE legend when it came to originality. He invented dances and created such mesmerizing music with voice and video that it always left you in awe. He was not only an icon, a musician; he was a true entertainer.

No matter what is said about his personal life and behavior, the recluse artist, to me was a genius. His music cut across all boundaries and tied together all cultures. ‘We are the world’ is what his music really was all about.

What I found moving was no matter how famous, how rich, how immensely unique you are, at the end of it all you like everyone else are a mere mortal. As he laid there on a stretcher with tubes in mouth and as his body was taken to morgue wrapped in white sheet – life showed its face and death showed its power. We are alike, made of the identical flesh and blood and when its ashes to ashes and dust to dust, we all go the same way into the same mysterious place.

The shinning glove didn’t make him feel less pain, neither did it save him from the fated end. The glove came off, the final curtain call was, as always is, painful. It was tragic and shocking and disheartening that when he was about ready to put his life’s pieces into place, time ran out. In an instant. And there was no puzzle to be put together, nothing to figure out. He was preparing for a grand, never seen before – MJ style, ‘comeback’ tour. For the king, there will be no comeback.

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